What is a Sales Funnel ?
In this blog post we will talk about No 1 Question on every digital marketers mind i. e “ what is a sales funnel “ how does it work and how do you create one ?
Websites has Very Low Conversion –
Most of the business owners , marketers are putting their effort on building a website for their products and services , unfortunately websites don’t help you make sales online , its just good enough to share information on your products & services .
Because when we land on a website think about it you see information you see contact about us maybe you see some products maybe you see some reviews but it’s not selling you anything the website isn’t urging you to buy something and actively you know interacting with you in a sales process whereas a sales funnel does .

Sales funnel on a gray background 3D. Vector illustration.
Sales Funnels Leads to Higher Conversion
let’s get right into what is a sales funnel , a sales funnel is something that takes a visitor or a potential client through a selling process online so that means that everything that happens throughout the sales process is happening online .
So we’ve all been through a funnel online probably maybe some of you haven’t even realized it but it typically starts when you opt in to a form you put a name email you subscribe to a newsletter or you subscribe to get something for free that you’re interested in that is the beginning of a sales funnel so you were funneled.
Lead Magnet Funnel
So your typical sales funnel cld be lead magnet i.e create information pdf and give it away for free in exchange of their email id .
You can attract loads of traffic with your lead magnet and get potential visitors inside your sales funnel from the top and get them through your products landing page which shares benefits and features and excite them to make the purchase .
Couple of examples of some sales funnels that you may use in your future or could be helpful to your business and the first one is selling a product so any type of product this could be a digital product physical product and event you want to sell , funnels can be created for any kind of sales .
Lead Generation Funnel
Next type of funnel is called lead generation so it’s not necessarily to like sell a product or you know make a sale right away but it’s to generate leads to build your email list and to build your brand so the idea is you generate leads you collect their emails and you email them later and sell to them later the next type of funnel is you know bring people to your location .
Webinar Funnel
There are funnels that will attract people and lead them to your actual business location so this works well obviously for local businesses let’s say and of course there’s webinar funnels will people watch a webinar and they’re usually longer and at the end of the webinar you sell them to maybe a higher ticket price product and also there’s a survey webinar which is very popular where it starts with a four page survey and in order to get the results of that survey they have to enter in their name and email .
Offline Sales Funnel
Lets talk about a sales funnel which we all have experienced , you are driving and you see a hoarding of McDonalds , you are hungry and get in the drive thru of McDonalds , you order a burger and the sales guy offers you a combo of fries + coke with little additional cost . This is an example of upsell in the funnel , as Mcdonalds will not make money by just selling burgers as their advertising cost is so high , when they sell combo they make profits .
These were just some of the examples of Sales Funnels , we will share more information in our next blog post .
Sales Funnel Builder
Best part about sales funnels , they are very easy to make and deploy , you don’t need to know coding or other technical stuff to make one .
Most of the sales funnels builder platforms have ready made templates , you just need to put in your text and images and you are ready to deploy .
Have shared the link below for one of the leading sales funnels builder platform , check this platform in action by clicking this link .
Check out one of our blog post on Lead Generation
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